canvas::API method course users (public)

 <instance of canvas::API[i]> course users \
    [ -search_term search_term ] [ -sort sort ] \
    [ -enrollment_type enrollment_type ] \
    [ -enrollment_role_id enrollment_role_id ] [ -include include ] \
    [ -user_ids user_ids ] [ -enrollment_state enrollment_state ] \
    [ -page page ] [ -per_page per_page ] [ -max_entries max_entries ] \

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/canvas-procs.tcl

Returns the paginated list of users in this course. And optionally the user's enrollments in the course. Details:

The partial name or full ID of the users to match and return in the results list.
When set, sort the results of the search based on the given Allowed values: username, last_login, email, sis_id
When set, only return users where the user is enrolled as this type. “student_view” implies include[]=test_student. This argument is ignored if enrollment_role is given. Allowed values: teacher, student, student_view, ta, observer, designer
When set, only return courses where the user is enrolled with the specified course-level role. This can be a role created with the Add Role API or a built_in role id with type 'StudentEnrollment', 'TeacherEnrollment', 'TaEnrollment', 'ObserverEnrollment', or 'DesignerEnrollment'.
Optionally included content. Allowed values: enrollments, locked, avatar_url, test_student, bio, custom_links, current_grading_period_scores, uuid
If included, the course users set will only include users with IDs specified by the param.
When set, only return users where the enrollment workflow state is of one of the given types. “active” and “invited” enrollments are returned by default. Allowed values: active, invited, rejected, completed, inactive
(defaults to "1") (optional)
Return the nth page of the result set
(defaults to "10") (optional)
Return this number of entries per page
perform potentially multiple requests until the requested number of entries can be returned.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token}  -url /courses/${course_id}/users?[:params {page per_page
               search_term sort enrollment_type:array enrollment_role_id
               include:array user_ids:array enrollment_state:array
return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200]
XQL Not present:
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