category::list::prepare_display (public)

 category::list::prepare_display \
    [ -category_delimiter category_delimiter ] \
    [ -category_link category_link ] \
    [ -category_link_eval category_link_eval ] \
    [ -category_link_html category_link_html ] \
    [ -tree_delimiter tree_delimiter ] [ -tree_colon tree_colon ] \
    [ -tree_link tree_link ] [ -tree_link_eval tree_link_eval ] \
    [ -tree_link_html tree_link_html ] \
    [ -category_varname category_varname ] \
    [ -tree_varname tree_varname ] \
    [ -category_column category_column ] \
    [ -categories_column categories_column ] [ -tree_ids tree_ids ] \
    [ -exclude_tree_ids exclude_tree_ids ] \
    [ -container_object_id container_object_id ] [ -locale locale ] \
    [ -one_category_list ] -name name

Defined in packages/categories/tcl/category-list-procs.tcl

Extends a given multirow with either one extra column holding a pretty list of the tree-names and category-names or one column per tree holding a pretty list of category-names. These extra column can then be used in the listbuilder to display a pretty list of categorized objects.

-category_delimiter (optional, defaults to ", ")
string that separates the categories in the pretty list
-category_link (optional)
optional link for every category-name
-category_link_eval (optional)
optional command that returns the link for every category-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __category_id and __tree_id which refer to category_id and tree_id of the category-name the link will wrap.
-category_link_html (optional)
optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link.
-tree_delimiter (optional, defaults to "; ")
string that separates the tree-names in the pretty list
-tree_colon (optional, defaults to ": ")
string that separates a tree-name from the category-names in that tree.
-tree_link (optional)
optional link for every tree-name
-tree_link_eval (optional)
optional command that returns the link for every tree-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __tree_id which refer to tree_id of the tree-name the link will wrap.
-tree_link_html (optional)
optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link.
-category_varname (optional, defaults to "__category_id")
name of the variable that will hold the category_id for category link generation.
-tree_varname (optional, defaults to "__tree_id")
name of the variable that will hold the tree_id for category and tree link generation.
-category_column (optional, defaults to "category_id")
name of the column in the multirow holding the tcl-list of mapped categories.
-categories_column (optional, defaults to "categories")
beginning of the names of the multirow columns holding the category names.
-tree_ids (optional)
tcl-list of trees that should be displayed.
-exclude_tree_ids (optional)
tcl-list of trees that should not be displayed.
-container_object_id (optional)
object the trees are mapped to (instead of providing tree_ids).
-locale (optional)
locale of the category-names and tree-names.
-one_category_list (optional, boolean)
switch to generate only one additional column in the multirow that holds a pretty list of tree-names and category-names.
-name (required)
name of the multirow to extend.
Timo Hentschel <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 category::get_name category::get_name (public) category::get_tree category::get_tree (public) category::list::get_pretty_list category::list::get_pretty_list (public) category_tree::get_mapped_trees category_tree::get_mapped_trees (public) template::multirow template::multirow (public) category::list::prepare_display category::list::prepare_display category::list::prepare_display->category::get_name category::list::prepare_display->category::get_tree category::list::prepare_display->category::list::get_pretty_list category::list::prepare_display->category_tree::get_mapped_trees category::list::prepare_display->template::multirow

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    if {$category_link_eval ne ""} {
    upvar 1 $category_varname category_id $tree_varname tree_id
    } elseif {$tree_link_eval ne ""} {
    upvar 1 $tree_varname tree_id

    set cat_link_html ""
    foreach {key value} $category_link_html {
    append cat_link_html $key=\"$value\""
    set cat_tree_link_html ""
    foreach {key value} $tree_link_html {
    append cat_tree_link_html $key=\"$value\""

    # get trees to display
    if {$tree_ids eq ""} {
    foreach mapped_tree [category_tree::get_mapped_trees $container_object_id] {
        lappend tree_ids [lindex $mapped_tree 0]
    set valid_tree_ids ""
    foreach tree_id $tree_ids {
    if {$tree_id ni $exclude_tree_ids} {
        lappend valid_tree_ids $tree_id

    template::multirow upvar $name list_data
    # check for existing multirow
    if {![info exists list_data:rowcount] || ![info exists list_data:columns]} { 

    if {!$one_category_list_p} {
    # extend multirow with a variable per tree
    foreach tree_id $valid_tree_ids {
        uplevel 1 template::multirow extend $name $categories_column\_$tree_id

    # loop over multirow
    for {set i 1} {$i <= ${list_data:rowcount}} {incr i} {

        upvar 1 $name:$i row
        if {$category_link_eval ne ""} {
        foreach column_name ${list_data:columns} {
            upvar 1 $column_name column_value
            if { [info exists row($column_name)] } {
            set column_value $row($column_name)
            } else {
            set column_value ""

        # get categories per tree
        foreach tree_id $valid_tree_ids {
        set tree_categories($tree_id""
        foreach category_id $row($category_column) {
        set tree_id [category::get_tree $category_id]
        if {$tree_id in $valid_tree_ids} {
            lappend tree_categories($tree_id) [list $category_id [category::get_name $category_id $locale]]

        # generate pretty category list per tree
        foreach tree_id [array names tree_categories] {
        set tree_categories($tree_id) [lsort -dictionary -index 1 $tree_categories($tree_id)]
        set pretty_category_list ""

        foreach category $tree_categories($tree_id) {
            lassign $category category_id category_name
            set category_name [ns_quotehtml $category_name]
            if {$category_link_eval ne ""} {
            set category_link [uplevel 1 concat $category_link_eval]
            if {$category_link ne ""} {
            set category_name "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $category_link]\"$cat_link_html>$category_name</a>"
            if {$pretty_category_list ne ""} {
            append pretty_category_list "$category_delimiter$category_name"
            } else {
            set pretty_category_list $category_name
        # set multirow columns with pretty category lists
        set row($categories_column\_$tree_id$pretty_category_list
        unset tree_categories

    } else {

    # extend multirow with one variable for pretty list of trees and categories
    template::multirow extend list_data $categories_column\_all

    # loop over multirow
    for {set i 1} {$i <= ${list_data:rowcount}} {incr i} {

        upvar 1 $name:$i row
        if {$category_link_eval ne ""} {
        foreach column_name ${list_data:columns} {
            upvar 1 $column_name column_value
            if { [info exists row($column_name)] } {
            set column_value $row($column_name)
            } else {
            set column_value ""

        # get categories of given trees
        set valid_categories ""
        foreach category_id $row($category_column) {
        set tree_id [category::get_tree $category_id]
        if {$tree_id in $valid_tree_ids} {
            lappend valid_categories $category_id

        # set multirow column with pretty list of trees and categories
        set row($categories_column\_all) [category::list::get_pretty_list  -category_delimiter $category_delimiter  -category_link $category_link  -category_link_eval $category_link_eval  -category_link_html $category_link_html  -tree_delimiter $tree_delimiter  -tree_colon $tree_colon  -tree_link $tree_link  -tree_link_eval $tree_link_eval  -tree_link_html $tree_link_html  -category_varname $category_varname  -tree_varname $tree_varname  -uplevel 2 $valid_categories $locale]
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