content::type::rotate_template (public)

 content::type::rotate_template -template_id template_id \
    -content_type content_type [ -use_context use_context ]

Defined in packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/content-type-procs.tcl

Force all items of content_type to use a new template. This will also cause items of this content type with no template assigned to use the new template. Finally, sets new template as default for this type. (IS THIS RIGHT ???? ----------------- ??????? )

-template_id (required)
-content_type (required)
-use_context (optional, defaults to "public")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 package_exec_plsql package_exec_plsql (public) content::type::rotate_template content::type::rotate_template content::type::rotate_template->package_exec_plsql

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