cr_create_content_file_path (public)
cr_create_content_file_path item_id revision_id
Defined in packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/content-procs.tcl
Creates a unique file in the content repository filesystem based on the item_id and revision_id of the content item.
- Parameters:
- item_id (required)
- revision_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # Split out the version_id by groups of 2. set item_id_length [string length $item_id] set path "/" for {set i 0} {$i < $item_id_length} {incr i} { append path [string range $item_id $i $i] if {($i % 2) == 1} { if {$i < $item_id_length} { # Check that the directory exists if {![file exists [cr_fs_path]$path]} { file mkdir [cr_fs_path]$path } append path "/" } } } # Check that the directory exists if {![file exists [cr_fs_path]$path]} { file mkdir [cr_fs_path]$path } if {[string index $path end] ne "/" } { append path "/" } return "${path}${revision_id}"XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle