db_available_pools (public)
db_available_pools dbn
Defined in packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/20-db-bootstrap-procs.tcl
Returns a list of the available pools for the given database name.
We define this here in 20-db-bootstrap-procs.tcl rather than acs-tcl/tcl/00-database-procs.tcl, as we also need to call it from db_bootstrap_set_db_type, below, and from db_bootstrap_checks, before all the rest of the db_* API code in 00-database-procs.tcl is sourced.
- Parameters:
- dbn (required)
- The database name to use. If empty_string, uses the default database.
- Author:
- Andrew Piskorski <atp@piskorski.com>
- Created:
- 2003/03/16
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- db__database_interface
Source code: if { $dbn eq "" } { set dbn $::acs::default_database } # When updating from versions before 5.10.0d4, namespace variable # might not be initialized. Get values from conf in this case. if {![info exists ::acs::db_pools($dbn)]} { db_bootstrap_set_db_type errors } return $::acs::db_pools($dbn)XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle