db_exec_lob_postgresql (private)
db_exec_lob_postgresql [ -ulevel ulevel ] [ -subst subst ] type db \ statement_name pre_sql [ file ]
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/01-database-procs.tcl
A helper procedure to execute a SQL statement, potentially binding depending on the value of the $bind variable in the calling environment (if set). Low level replacement for db_exec which emulates blob handling.
- Switches:
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- -subst (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- type (required)
- db (required)
- statement_name (required)
- pre_sql (required)
- file (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set start_time [expr {[clock clicks -microseconds]/1000.0}] # Query Dispatcher (OpenACS - ben) set sql [db_qd_replace_sql -ulevel [expr {$ulevel + 1}] -subst $subst $statement_name $pre_sql] # create a function definition statement for the inline code # binding is emulated in tcl. (OpenACS - Dan) set errno [catch { upvar bind bind if { [info exists bind] && [llength $bind] != 0 } { if { [llength $bind] == 1 } { set lob_sql [db_bind_var_substitution $sql [ns_set array $bind]] } else { set lob_sql [db_bind_var_substitution $sql $bind] } } else { set lob_sql [uplevel $ulevel [list db_bind_var_substitution $sql]] } # get the content - assume it is in column 0, or optionally it can # be returned as "content" with the storage type indicated by the # "storage_type" column. set selection [ns_db 1row $db $lob_sql] set content [ns_set value $selection 0] foreach var {storage_type content} { set i [ns_set find $selection $var] if {$i != -1} { set $var [ns_set value $selection $i] } } # this is an ugly hack, but it allows content to be written # to a file/connection if it is stored as a lob or if it is # stored in the content-repository as a file. (DanW - Openacs) switch -- $type { blob_get { if {[info exists storage_type]} { switch -- $storage_type { file { if {[ad_file exists $content]} { set ifp [open $content r] # DRB: this could be made faster by setting the buffersize # to the size of the file, but for very large files allocating # that much more memory on top of that needed by Tcl for storage # of the data might not be wise. fconfigure $ifp -translation binary set data [read $ifp] close $ifp return $data } else { error "file: $content doesn't exist" } } lob { if {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $content match]} { return [ns_pg blob_get $db $content] } else { error "invalid lob_id: should be an integer" } } default { error "invalid storage type" } } } elseif {[ad_file exists $content]} { set ifp [open $content r] fconfigure $ifp -translation binary set data [read $ifp] close $ifp return $data } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $content match]} { return [ns_pg blob_get $db $content] } else { error "invalid query" } } blob_select_file { if {[info exists storage_type]} { switch -- $storage_type { file { if {[ad_file exists $content]} { file copy -- $content $file } else { error "file: $content doesn't exist" } } lob { if {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $content match]} { ns_pg blob_select_file $db $content $file } else { error "invalid lob_id: should be an integer" } } default { error "invalid storage type" } } } elseif {[ad_file exists $content]} { file copy -- $content $file } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $content match]} { ns_pg blob_select_file $db $content $file } else { error "invalid query" } } write_blob { if {[info exists storage_type]} { switch -- $storage_type { file { if {[ad_file exists $content]} { set ofp [open $content r] fconfigure $ofp -encoding binary ns_writefp $ofp close $ofp } else { error "file: $content doesn't exist" } } text { ns_write $content } lob { if {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $content match]} { ns_pg blob_write $db $content } else { error "invalid lob_id: should be an integer" } } default { error "invalid storage type" } } } elseif {[ad_file exists $content]} { set ofp [open $content r] fconfigure $ofp -encoding binary ns_writefp $ofp close $ofp } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $content match]} { ns_pg blob_write $db $content } else { ns_write $content } } } return } error] set errinfo $::errorInfo set errcode $::errorCode ds_collect_db_call $db 0or1row $statement_name $sql $start_time $errno $error if { $errno == 2 } { return $error } return -code $errno -errorinfo $errinfo -errorcode $errcode $errorXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle