db_foreach (public)
db_foreach [ -dbn dbn ] [ -subst subst ] statement_name sql \ [ args... ]
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/01-database-procs.tcl
db_foreach statement-name sql [ -bind bind_set_id | -bind bind_value_list ] [ -column_array array_name | -column_set set_name ] code_block [ if_no_rows if_no_rows_block ]Performs the SQL query sql, executing code_block once for each row with variables set to column values (or a set or array populated if -column_array or column_set is specified). If the query returns no rows, executes if_no_rows_block (if provided). In place of 'if_no_rows' also the 'else' keyword can be used.
db_foreach greeble_query "select foo, bar from greeble" { ns_write "<li>foo=$foo; bar=$bar\n" } if_no_rows { # This block is optional. ns_write "<li>No greebles!\n" }
- Switches:
- -dbn
(optional)- The database name to use. If empty_string, uses the default database.
- -subst
(defaults to"all"
) (optional)- Parameters:
- statement_name
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- db__db_foreach, db__transaction_bug_3440
Source code: ad_arg_parser { bind column_array column_set args } $args # Do some syntax checking. set arglength [llength $args] if { $arglength == 1 } { # Have only a code block. set code_block [lindex $args 0] } elseif { $arglength == 3 } { # Should have code block + if_no_rows + code block. if { [lindex $args 1] ni {"if_no_rows" "else"}} { return -code error "Expected if_no_rows or else as second-to-last argument" } lassign $args code_block . if_no_rows_code_block } else { return -code error "Expected 1 or 3 arguments after switches" } if { [info exists column_array] && [info exists column_set] } { return -code error "Can't specify both column_array and column_set" } if { [info exists column_array] } { upvar 1 $column_array array_val } if { [info exists column_set] } { upvar 1 $column_set selection } set bindArg [expr {[info exists bind] ? [list -bind $bind] : ""}] set counter 0 set result [uplevel [list db_list_of_lists -with_headers -dbn $dbn -subst $subst $statement_name $sql {*}${bindArg}]] #ns_log notice "RESULT $result" set columns [lindex $result 0] #ns_log notice "columns <$columns>" foreach tuple [lrange $result 1 end] { incr counter # # Result will be provided in different formats to the code # block depending on the flags... # if { [info exists column_set] } { # # ns_set # if { [info exists selection] } { ns_set free $selection } set selection [ns_set create] foreach a $columns v $tuple { ns_set put $selection $a $v } } elseif { [info exists column_array] } { # # array # unset -nocomplain array_val array set array_val [concat {*}[lmap a $columns v $tuple {list $a $v}]] } else { # # plain variables # foreach a $columns v $tuple { uplevel [list set $a $v] } } set errno [catch { uplevel 1 $code_block } error] # # Handle or propagate the error. # switch -- $errno { 0 { # TCL_OK } 1 { # TCL_ERROR error $error $::errorInfo $::errorCode } 2 { # TCL_RETURN error "Cannot return from inside a db_foreach loop" } 3 { # TCL_BREAK break } 4 { # TCL_CONTINUE - just ignore and continue looping. } default { error "Unknown return code: $errno" } } } # If the if_no_rows_code is defined, go ahead and run it. if { $counter == 0 && [info exists if_no_rows_code_block] } { uplevel 1 $if_no_rows_code_block }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle