db_get_quote_indices (private)

 db_get_quote_indices sql

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/01-database-procs.tcl

Given a piece of SQL, return the indices of single quotes. This is useful when we do bind var substitution because we should not attempt bind var substitution inside quotes. Examples:

    sql          return value
    {'a'}           {0 2}
    {'a''}           {}
    {'a'a'a'}       {0 2 4 6}
    {a'b'c'd'}      {1 3 5 7}

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_db_get_quote_indices db_get_quote_indices (test acs-tcl) db_get_quote_indices db_get_quote_indices test_db_get_quote_indices->db_get_quote_indices db_bind_var_quoted_p db_bind_var_quoted_p (private) db_bind_var_quoted_p->db_get_quote_indices

Source code:
    set quote_indices [list]

    # Returns a list on the format
    # Example - for sql={'a'a'a'} returns
    # {0 2} {0 0} {2 2} {3 6} {4 4} {6 6}
    set all_indices [regexp -inline -indices -all -- {(?:^|[^'])(')(?:[^']|'')+(')(?=$|[^'])} $sql]

    for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $all_indices] } { incr i 3 } {
        lappend quote_indices [lindex $all_indices $i+1 0] [lindex $all_indices $i+2 0]

    return $quote_indices
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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