db_qd_load_query_file (public)
db_qd_load_query_file file_path [ errorVarName ]
Defined in packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/40-db-query-dispatcher-procs.tcl
A procedure that is called from the outside world (APM) to load a particular file
- Parameters:
- file_path
errorVarName (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- db_map
Source code: if {$errorVarName ne ""} { upvar $errorVarName errors } else { array set errors [list] } if { [catch {db_qd_internal_load_cache $file_path} errMsg] } { set backTrace $::errorInfo ns_log Error "Error parsing queryfile $file_path:\n\n$errMsg\n\n$backTrace" set r_file [ad_make_relative_path $file_path] set package_key "" regexp {/packages/([^/]+)/} $file_path -> package_key lappend errors($package_key) $r_file $backTrace }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle