dt_widget_calendar_navigation (public, deprecated)

 dt_widget_calendar_navigation [ base_url ] [ view ] [ date ] \
    [ pass_in_vars ]

Defined in packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-procs.tcl

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

This proc creates a mini calendar useful for navigating various calendar views. It takes a base url, which is the url to which this mini calendar will navigate. pass_in_vars, if defined, can be url variables to be set in base_url. They should be in the format returned by export_url_vars This proc will set 2 variables in that url's environment: the view and the date. Valid views are list, day, week, month, and year. (ben) for now I am disabling year, which doesn't work. The date must be formatted YYYY-MM-DD. DEPRECATED: this api is never used in upstream code. One historical usage was in the calendar package, that has its own caldar UI since many years. Having such widgets in the api makes it also difficult to style them.

base_url (optional)
view (defaults to "week")
date (optional)
pass_in_vars (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) dt_ansi_to_pretty dt_ansi_to_pretty (public) dt_get_info dt_get_info (public) dt_julian_to_ansi dt_julian_to_ansi (public) dt_month_names dt_month_names (public) dt_widget_calendar_navigation dt_widget_calendar_navigation dt_widget_calendar_navigation->ad_log_deprecated dt_widget_calendar_navigation->dt_ansi_to_pretty dt_widget_calendar_navigation->dt_get_info dt_widget_calendar_navigation->dt_julian_to_ansi dt_widget_calendar_navigation->dt_month_names

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