dt_widget_calendar_navigation (public, deprecated)
dt_widget_calendar_navigation [ base_url ] [ view ] [ date ] \ [ pass_in_vars ]
Defined in packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-procs.tcl
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
This proc creates a mini calendar useful for navigating various calendar views. It takes a base url, which is the url to which this mini calendar will navigate. pass_in_vars, if defined, can be url variables to be set in base_url. They should be in the format returned by export_url_vars This proc will set 2 variables in that url's environment: the view and the date. Valid views are list, day, week, month, and year. (ben) for now I am disabling year, which doesn't work. The date must be formatted YYYY-MM-DD. DEPRECATED: this api is never used in upstream code. One historical usage was in the calendar package, that has its own caldar UI since many years. Having such widgets in the api makes it also difficult to style them.
- Parameters:
- base_url (optional)
- view (optional, defaults to
)- date (optional)
- pass_in_vars (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ad_log_deprecated proc dt_widget_calendar_navigation # valid views are "list" "day" "week" "month" "year" if {$base_url eq ""} { set base_url [ns_conn url] } if {$pass_in_vars ne ""} { append base_url "?$pass_in_vars&" } else { append base_url "?" } if {$date eq ""} { set date [dt_sysdate] } set list_of_vars [list] # Ben: some annoying stuff to do here since we are passing in things in GET format already foreach {key value} [ns_set array [ns_parsequery $pass_in_vars]] { lappend list_of_vars [list $key $value] } # Get the current month, day, and the first day of the month dt_get_info $date set output " <center><table class=\"table-display\" border='1' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' width='160'> [dt_navbar_view $view $base_url $date] [dt_navbar_year $view $base_url $date]\n" if {$view eq "month"} { # month view append output [subst { <tr> <td class="no-borders" colspan="5"> <table bgcolor="ffffff" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="1" border="0"> <tr> }] set months_list [dt_month_names] set now [clock scan $date] set curr_month [expr {[util::trim_leading_zeros [clock format $now -format "%m"]] - 1}] for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} { set month [lindex $months_list $i] # show 3 months in a row if {$i != 0 && $i % 3 == 0} { append output "</tr><tr>" } if {$i == $curr_month} { append output " <td> <span style=\"font-size: smaller; color: red\">$month</span> </td>\n" } else { set target_date [clock format [clock scan "[expr {$i-$curr_month}] month" -base $now] -format "%Y-%m-%d"] append output [subst { <td> <a href="[ns_quotehtml ${base_url}view=month&date=[ns_urlencode $target_date]]"> <span style="font-size: smaller; color: blue;">$month</span></a> </td> }] } } append output "</tr>" } elseif {$view eq "year"} { # year view append output " <tr> <td colspan='5'> <table bgcolor='ffffff' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='1' border='0'> <tr>\n" set now [clock scan $date] set curr_year $year set end_year [expr {$year + 2}] set monthday [clock format $now -format "%m-%d"] for {set year [expr {$curr_year - 2}]} {$year <= $end_year} {incr year} { if {$year == $curr_year} { append output " <td><span style=\"font-size: smaller; color: red\">$year</span></td>\n" } else { append output [subst { <td> <a href="[ns_quotehtml ${base_url}view=year&date=[ns_urlencode $year-$monthday]]"> <span style="font-size: smaller; color: blue;">$year</span></a> </td> }] } } append output "</tr>" } else { append output " [dt_navbar_month $view $base_url $date] </table> </td> </tr> <tr><td class='bottom-border' colspan='5'> <table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='1'> <tr> " set days_of_week [list S M T W T F S] foreach day_of_week $days_of_week { append output [subst { <td align="right"><span style="font-size: smaller; font-weight: bold;">$day_of_week</span> </td> }] } append output "</tr><tr><td colspan='7'><hr></td></tr>" set day_of_week 1 set julian_date $first_julian_date set day_number $first_day while {1} { if {$julian_date < $first_julian_date_of_month} { set before_month_p 1 set after_month_p 0 } elseif {$julian_date > $last_julian_date_in_month} { set before_month_p 0 set after_month_p 1 } else { set before_month_p 0 set after_month_p 0 } set ansi_date [dt_julian_to_ansi $julian_date] if {$julian_date == $first_julian_date_of_month} { set day_number 1 } elseif {$julian_date > $last_julian_date} { break } elseif {$julian_date == $last_julian_date_in_month + 1} { set day_number 1 } if { $day_of_week == 1} { append output "<tr>\n" } if {$before_month_p || $after_month_p} { append output [subst { <td align="right"> <a href="[ns_quotehtml ${base_url}view=$view&date=[ns_urlencode $ansi_date]]"> <span style="color: gray">$day_number</span></a> </td> }] } elseif {$julian_date == $julian_date_today} { append output " <td align='right'> <strong>$day_number</strong> </td>" } else { append output [subst { <td align="right"> <a href="[ns_quotehtml ${base_url}view=$view&date=[ns_urlencode $ansi_date]]"> <span style="color: blue">$day_number</span></a> </td> }] } incr day_of_week incr julian_date incr day_number if { $day_of_week > 7 } { set day_of_week 1 append output "</tr>\n" } } } append today_url "$base_url" "view=day&date=[ns_urlencode [dt_sysdate]]" append output " <tr><td align='center' colspan='7'> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' border='0'> <tr><td></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class=\"table-header\"><td align='center' colspan='5'> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tr><td nowrap> <span style=\"font-size: smaller\">" if { $view eq "day" && [dt_sysdate] == $date } { append output "<strong>Today</strong>" } else { append output [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $today_url]"><strong>Today</strong></a> }] } append output [subst { is [dt_ansi_to_pretty]</span></td></tr> <tr><td align="center"><br> <form method='get' action="[ns_quotehtml $base_url]"> <div> <input type="text" name="date" size="10"> <input type="image" src="/resources/acs-subsite/go.gif" alt="Go" border="0"><br> <span style="font-size:smaller">Date as YYYYMMDD</span> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="day"> </div> }] foreach var $list_of_vars { append output "<input type='hidden' name='[lindex $var 0]' value='[lindex $var 1]'>" } append output " </form> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>\n" return $outputXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle