dt_widget_calendar_year (public, deprecated)
dt_widget_calendar_year [ -calendar_details calendar_details ] \ [ -date date ] [ -days_of_week days_of_week ] \ [ -large_calendar_p large_calendar_p ] \ [ -master_bgcolor master_bgcolor ] \ [ -header_bgcolor header_bgcolor ] \ [ -header_text_color header_text_color ] \ [ -header_text_size header_text_size ] \ [ -day_number_template day_number_template ] \ [ -day_header_size day_header_size ] \ [ -day_header_bgcolor day_header_bgcolor ] \ [ -calendar_width calendar_width ] [ -day_bgcolor day_bgcolor ] \ [ -day_text_color day_text_color ] \ [ -empty_bgcolor empty_bgcolor ] \ [ -next_month_template next_month_template ] \ [ -prev_month_template prev_month_template ] [ -width width ]
Defined in packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-procs.tcl
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
DEPRECATED: this api is never used in upstream code. Having such widgets in the api makes it also difficult to style them.
- Switches:
- -calendar_details (optional)
- -date (optional)
- -days_of_week (optional)
- -large_calendar_p (optional, defaults to
)- -master_bgcolor (optional, defaults to
)- -header_bgcolor (optional, defaults to
)- -header_text_color (optional, defaults to
)- -header_text_size (optional, defaults to
)- -day_number_template (optional, defaults to
)- -day_header_size (optional, defaults to
)- -day_header_bgcolor (optional, defaults to
)- -calendar_width (optional, defaults to
)- -day_bgcolor (optional, defaults to
)- -day_text_color (optional, defaults to
)- -empty_bgcolor (optional, defaults to
)- -next_month_template (optional)
- -prev_month_template (optional)
- -width (optional, defaults to
)- Returns:
- a calendar year of small calendars for the year of the passed in date. Defaults to this year.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ad_log_deprecated proc dt_widget_calendar_year if {$days_of_week eq ""} { set days_of_week "[_ acs-datetime.short_days_of_week]" } dt_get_info $date return [dt_widget_year -calendar_details $calendar_details -date $beginning_of_year -days_of_week $days_of_week -large_calendar_p $large_calendar_p -master_bgcolor $master_bgcolor -header_bgcolor $header_bgcolor -header_text_color $header_text_color -header_text_size $header_text_size -day_number_template $day_number_template -day_header_size $day_header_size -day_header_bgcolor $day_header_bgcolor -calendar_width $calendar_width -day_bgcolor $day_bgcolor -day_text_color $day_text_color -empty_bgcolor $empty_bgcolor -next_month_template $next_month_template -prev_month_template $prev_month_template -width $width]XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle