dt_widget_list (public, deprecated)
dt_widget_list -calendar_details calendar_details \ [ -item_template item_template ] [ -start_date start_date ] \ [ -end_date end_date ] [ -order_by order_by ] \ [ -url_template url_template ]
Defined in packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-2-procs.tcl
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
create a listing widget for lists (ben) I would like to ask forgiveness from the coding gods for this proc. Right now this is a big hack to make the schedule look a lot like the SloanSpace v1.0 display. Once we have thought this through a bit more, I will generalize this proc. I promise. Please forgive me. DEPRECATED: time is up Ben. This proc uses hardcoded markup and is therefore difficult to style. It is also not fully localized. Future reimplementations should leverage the templating system more.
- Switches:
- -calendar_details (required)
- -item_template (optional, defaults to
)- -start_date (optional)
- -end_date (optional)
- -order_by (optional)
- -url_template (optional, defaults to
)- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ad_log_deprecated proc dt_widget_list # Check for zero size if {[ns_set size $calendar_details] == 0} { return "<i>No Items</i>" } # The title if {$start_date eq "" && $end_date eq ""} { #This used to be All Items but that was just taking up space and not adding value so now we assume All Items and only give a title if its something else. - Caroline@meekshome.com set title "" } if {$start_date eq "" && $end_date ne ""} { set $pretty_end_date [lc_time_fmt $end_date "%x"] set title "[_ acs-datetime.Items_until]" } if {$start_date ne "" && $end_date eq ""} { set title "Items starting [util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $start_date]" } if {$start_date ne "" && $end_date ne ""} { set title "Items from [util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $start_date] to [util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $end_date]" } set return_html "<b>$title</b><p>" # Prepare the templates set real_order_by $order_by set order_by "item_type" set item_type_url [subst $url_template] set order_by "start_date" set start_date_url [subst $url_template] # Create the header append return_html [subst { <table class="table-display" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr class="table-header"> <th>Day of Week</th> <th><a href="[ns_quotehtml $start_date_url]">Date</a></th> <th>Start Time</th> <th>End Time</th> }] if {$real_order_by ne "item_type"} { append return_html [subst {<th><a href="[ns_quotehtml $item_type_url]">Type</a></th>}] } append return_html "<th>Title</th></tr>\n" # initialize the item_type so we can do intermediate titles set old_item_type "" set flip 0 # Loop through the events, and add them foreach item [ns_set values $calendar_details] { lassign $item date start_time end_time weekday item_type item_details # Adjust the display of no-time items if {[dt_no_time_p -start_time $start_time -end_time $end_time]} { set start_time "--" set end_time "--" } # Do we need a title? if {$real_order_by eq "item_type" && $item_type != $old_item_type} { if {$item_type eq ""} { set item_type_for_title "(No Item Type)" } else { set item_type_for_title $item_type } append return_html [subst {<tr class="table-title"><td colspan="5"><b>$item_type_for_title</b></td></tr>}] set flip 0 } set old_item_type $item_type if {$flip % 2 == 0} { set z_class odd } else { set z_class even } append return_html " <tr class=$z_class><td>$weekday</td><td>$date</td><td>$start_time</td><td>$end_time</td>" if {$real_order_by ne "item_type"} { append return_html "<td>$item_type</td>" } append return_html "<td>$item_details</td></tr>\n" incr flip } append return_html "</table> <!-- End of dt_widget_list --->" return $return_htmlXQL Not present: Generic PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-2-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-2-procs-oracle.xql