f::qsort (public)

 f::qsort xs [ value ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/ad-functional-procs.tcl

Sorts a sequence with the quicksort algorithm. Examples: f::qsort {5 2 9 4} = 2 4 5 9 f::qsort {Oracle ArsDigita SAP Vignette} [lambda {s} {string length $s}] = {SAP Oracle Vignette ArsDigita}

xs (required)
value (optional, defaults to "id")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_functional_api functional_api (test acs-tcl) f::qsort f::qsort test_functional_api->f::qsort f::head f::head (public) f::qsort->f::head f::tail f::tail (public) f::qsort->f::tail

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