file_storage::twt::copy_file (private)
file_storage::twt::copy_file folder_name file_name
Defined in packages/file-storage/tcl/test/tclwebtest-procs.tcl
Copies a file from the UI.
- Parameters:
- folder_name (required)
- file_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set response 0 tclwebtest::link follow {properties} # Follow the Move File link tclwebtest::link follow {Move File} tclwebtest::link follow $folder_name set response_url [tclwebtest::response url] if { [string match "*/dotlrn/file-storage/\?folder*id*" $response_url] } { # Get the short filename set list_words [split "$file_name" /] set short_file_name [lindex $list_words [llength $list_words]-1] if {![catch {tclwebtest::link find $short_file_name} errmsg]} { aa_error "file_storage::twt::move_file $errmsg : Didn't move a file" } else { aa_log "a File moved" set response 1 } } else { aa_error "file_storage::twt::move_file failed, bad response url : $response_url" } return $responseXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle