file_storage::twt::edit_url (private)

 file_storage::twt::edit_url url_title url url_description

Defined in packages/file-storage/tcl/test/tclwebtest-procs.tcl

Edits an existing URL from the UI.

url_title (required)
url (required)
url_description (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 aa_error aa_error (public) aa_log aa_log (public) file_storage::twt::edit_url file_storage::twt::edit_url file_storage::twt::edit_url->aa_error file_storage::twt::edit_url->aa_log

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set response 0

    tclwebtest::link follow properties

    # Follow the Edit URL link
    tclwebtest::link follow {Edit}

    tclwebtest::form find ~n "simple-edit"
    tclwebtest::field find ~n "name"
    tclwebtest::field fill $url_title
    tclwebtest::field find ~n "url"
    tclwebtest::field fill $url
    tclwebtest::field find ~n "description"
    tclwebtest::field fill $url_description
    tclwebtest::form submit

    set response_url [tclwebtest::response url]

    if { [string match  "*/dotlrn/file-storage/\?folder*id*" $response_url] } {

        if {[catch {tclwebtest::link find $url_title} errmsg]} {
            aa_error "file_storage::twt::edit_url $errmsg : Didn't edit a URL"
        } else {
            aa_log "a URL edited"
            set response 1

    } else {
        aa_error "file_storage::twt::edit_url  failed, bad response url : $response_url"

    return $response
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