forums::form::forum (public)

 forums::form::forum [ -prefix prefix ] form_name

Defined in packages/forums/tcl/form-procs.tcl

Constructs the elements of a form for creating/editing a forum

-prefix (optional)
form_name (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_web_forum_edit web_forum_edit (test forums) forums::form::forum forums::form::forum test_web_forum_edit->forums::form::forum test_web_forum_new web_forum_new (test forums) test_web_forum_new->forums::form::forum test_web_forum_view web_forum_view (test forums) test_web_forum_view->forums::form::forum test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) test_web_forums_message_and_reply->forums::form::forum _ _ (public) forums::form::forum->_ forum::attachments_enabled_p forum::attachments_enabled_p (public) forums::form::forum->forum::attachments_enabled_p template::element template::element (public) forums::form::forum->template::element packages/forums/lib/forums/edit.tcl packages/forums/ lib/forums/edit.tcl packages/forums/lib/forums/edit.tcl->forums::form::forum packages/forums/lib/forums/new.tcl packages/forums/ lib/forums/new.tcl packages/forums/lib/forums/new.tcl->forums::form::forum

web_forum_new, web_forum_view, web_forum_edit, web_forums_message_and_reply
Source code:
    template::element create $form_name ${prefix}name  -label [_ forums.Name]  -datatype text  -widget text  -html {size 60}  -validate { {expr {[string trim $value] ne ""}} {Forum Name can not be blank} }

    template::element create $form_name ${prefix}charter  -label [_ forums.Charter]  -datatype richtext  -widget richtext  -html {cols 60 rows 10 style {width: 100%}}  -validate { {expr {[string length $value] <= 4000} } {\#forums.charter_max_chars#} }  -optional

    template::element create $form_name ${prefix}presentation_type  -label [_ forums.Presentation]  -datatype text  -widget select  -help_text [_ forums.help_presentation]  -options [list [list [_ forums.Flat] flat] [list [_ forums.Threaded] threaded]]

    template::element create $form_name ${prefix}posting_policy  -label [_ forums.Posting_Policy]  -datatype text  -widget select  -help_text [_ forums.help_posting_policy]  -options [list [list [_] open] [list [_ forums.moderated] moderated] [list [_ forums.closed] closed] ]

    template::element create $form_name ${prefix}anonymous_allowed_p  -label [_ forums.post_anonymously]  -datatype text  -widget radio  -options [list [list [_ forums.Yes] t] [list [_ forums.No] f] ]

    template::element create $form_name ${prefix}new_threads_p  -label [_ forums.lt_Users_Can_Create_New_]  -datatype text  -widget radio  -help_text [_ forums.help_new_threads]  -options [list [list [_ forums.Yes] t] [list [_ forums.No] f] ]

    if {[forum::attachments_enabled_p]} {
        template::element create $form_name ${prefix}attachments_allowed_p  -label  [_ forums.lt_Users_Can_Add_Attachments]  -datatype text  -widget radio  -options [list [list [_ forums.Yes] t] [list [_ forums.No] f] ]
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