fs_context_bar_list (public)
fs_context_bar_list [ -root_folder_id root_folder_id ] \ [ -final final ] [ -folder_url folder_url ] [ -file_url file_url ] \ [ -extra_vars extra_vars ] item_id
Defined in packages/file-storage/tcl/file-storage-procs.tcl
Constructs the list to be fed to ad_context_bar appropriate for item_id. If -final is specified, that string will be the last item in the context bar. Otherwise, the name corresponding to item_id will be used.
- Switches:
- -root_folder_id (optional)
- -final (optional)
- -folder_url (optional, defaults to
)- -file_url (optional, defaults to
)- -extra_vars (optional)
- Parameters:
- item_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- attachments_url_api, fs_create_folder, fs_edit_folder, fs_add_file_to_folder
Source code: if {$root_folder_id eq ""} { set root_folder_id [fs_get_root_folder] } if {$final eq "" && !($item_id == $root_folder_id) } { # don't get title for last element if we are in the # root folder set start_id [db_string parent_id { select parent_id from cr_items where item_id = :item_id }] set final [db_exec_plsql title {}] } else { set start_id $item_id } set extra_vars [concat &$extra_vars] set context_bar [db_list_of_lists context_bar {}] if {$item_id != $root_folder_id} { lappend context_bar $final } return $context_barGeneric XQL file: <fullquery name="fs_context_bar_list.parent_id"> <querytext> select parent_id from cr_items where item_id = :item_id </querytext> </fullquery>packages/file-storage/tcl/file-storage-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: <fullquery name="fs_context_bar_list.title"> <querytext> select file_storage__get_title(:item_id) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="fs_context_bar_list.context_bar"> <querytext> select (case when file_storage__get_content_type(i.item_id) = 'content_folder' then :folder_url || '?folder_id=' else :file_url || '?file_id=' end) || i.item_id || :extra_vars, file_storage__get_title(i.item_id) from (select tree_ancestor_keys(cr_items_get_tree_sortkey(:start_id)) as tree_sortkey) parents, (select tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = :root_folder_id) root, cr_items i where i.tree_sortkey = parents.tree_sortkey and i.tree_sortkey > root.tree_sortkey order by i.tree_sortkey asc </querytext> </fullquery>packages/file-storage/tcl/file-storage-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="fs_context_bar_list.title"> <querytext> begin :1 := file_storage.get_title(:item_id); end; </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="fs_context_bar_list.context_bar"> <querytext> select case when file_storage.get_content_type(i.item_id) = 'content_folder' then :folder_url || '?folder_id=' else :file_url || '?file_id=' end || i.item_id || :extra_vars, file_storage.get_title(i.item_id) from cr_items i where item_id not in (select i2.item_id from cr_items i2 connect by prior i2.parent_id = i2.item_id start with i2.item_id = :root_folder_id) connect by prior i.parent_id = i.item_id start with item_id = :start_id order by level desc </querytext> </fullquery>packages/file-storage/tcl/file-storage-procs-oracle.xql