http_auth::set_user_id (public)
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/http-auth-procs.tcl
Get the user_id from HTTP authentication headers. NOTE: This should be handled through SSL since plain HTTP auth is easy to decode
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # should be something like "Basic 29234k3j49a" set authorization [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] Authorization] if {[string length $authorization] > 0} { set credentials [http_auth::basic_authentication_decode $authorization] foreach authority [auth::authority::get_authority_options] { set authority_id [lindex $authority 1] array set auth [auth::authenticate -username [dict get $credentials user] -password [dict get $credentials password] -authority_id $authority_id -no_cookie] if {$auth(auth_status) ne "ok" } { array set auth [auth::authenticate -email [dict get $credentials user] -password [dict get $credentials password] -authority_id $authority_id -no_cookie] } if {$auth(auth_status) eq "ok"} { # we can stop checking break } } if {$auth(auth_status) ne "ok" } { ns_log debug "\nTDAV 5.0 auth status $auth(auth_status)" ns_returnunauthorized return 0 } ns_log debug "\nTDAV: auth_check OpenACS 5.0 user_id= $auth(user_id)" ad_conn -set user_id $auth(user_id) } else { # no authenticate header, anonymous visitor ad_conn -set user_id 0 ad_conn -set untrusted_user_id 0 }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle