lang::message::edit (private)

 lang::message::edit [ -update_sync ] package_key message_key locale \

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/lang-message-procs.tcl

Edit properties (meta data) of a language catalog message, but not the message text itself. To update or add message catalog text, use the lang::message::register proc. Implementation note: some of the dynamic sql edit code of this proc was copied from the auth::authority::edit proc and should probably be broken out into a general API.

(boolean) (optional)
If this switch is provided the sync_time of the message will be updated to current time. If not provided no update to sync_time will be made. If sync_time is contained in the edit_array_list then that value will override the update_sync flag.
package_key - The package_key of the message to update
message_key - The message_key of the message to update
locale - The locale of the message to update
edit_array_list - An array list holding names of columns and the values to set them to. Valid keys in this array list are any column names in the lang_messages table.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_upgrade upgrade (test acs-lang) lang::message::edit lang::message::edit test_upgrade->lang::message::edit db_boolean db_boolean (public) lang::message::edit->db_boolean db_dml db_dml (public) lang::message::edit->db_dml db_list db_list (public) lang::message::edit->db_list lang::audit::changed_message lang::audit::changed_message (public) lang::message::edit->lang::audit::changed_message lang::message::get lang::message::get (public) lang::message::edit->lang::message::get lang::catalog::import_messages lang::catalog::import_messages (private) lang::catalog::import_messages->lang::message::edit lang::message::delete lang::message::delete (public) lang::message::delete->lang::message::edit lang::message::undelete lang::message::undelete (private) lang::message::undelete->lang::message::edit lang::test::execute_upgrade lang::test::execute_upgrade (private) lang::test::execute_upgrade->lang::message::edit packages/acs-lang/www/admin/message-conflict-resolve.tcl packages/acs-lang/ www/admin/message-conflict-resolve.tcl packages/acs-lang/www/admin/message-conflict-resolve.tcl->lang::message::edit

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