lc_datetime_to_clock (private)

 lc_datetime_to_clock datetime

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/localization-procs.tcl

Converts a datetime in one of the supported formats to a clock value.

datetime - A time string in one of the following formats as from clock tcl command specifications: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" and "%Y-%m-%d". Database timestamps such as "2019-12-16 12:50:14.049896+01" are also tolerated, by normalizing them to "2019-12-16 12:50:14". Note that in this case all information about timezone and fractions of second will be discarded.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 lc_time_fmt lc_time_fmt (public) lc_datetime_to_clock lc_datetime_to_clock lc_time_fmt->lc_datetime_to_clock lc_time_tz_convert lc_time_tz_convert (public) lc_time_tz_convert->lc_datetime_to_clock

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