lc_sepfmt (private)

 lc_sepfmt num [ grouping ] [ sep ] [ num_re ]

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/localization-procs.tcl

Called by lc_numeric and lc_monetary.

Takes a grouping specifier and inserts the given separator into the string. Given a separator of : and a number of 123456789 it returns:

    grouping         Formatted Value
    {3 -1}               123456:789
    {3}                  123:456:789
    {3 2 -1}             1234:56:789
    {3 2}                12:34:56:789
    {-1}                 123456789

num (required)
grouping (optional, defaults to "3")
Grouping specifier
sep (optional, defaults to ",")
Thousands separator
num_re (optional, defaults to "[0-9]")
Regular expression for valid numbers
Number formatted with thousand separator

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 lc_numeric lc_numeric (public) lc_sepfmt lc_sepfmt lc_numeric->lc_sepfmt

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