This procedure is defined in the server but not documented via ad_proc or proc_doc and may be intended as a private interface.

The procedure is defined as:

proc mime::buildmessageaux {token} {
    # FRINK: nocheck
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state

    array set header $state(header)

    set result {}
    if {$state(version) ne {}} {
        append result "MIME-Version: $state(version)\r\n"
    foreach lower $state(lowerL) mixed $state(mixedL) {
        foreach value $header($lower) {
            append result "$mixed: $value\r\n"
    if {(!$state(canonicalP))  && ([set encoding $state(encoding)] ne {})} {
        append result "Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding\r\n"

    append result "Content-Type: $state(content)"
    set boundary {}
    foreach {k v} $state(params) {
        if {$k eq "boundary"} {
            set boundary $v

        append result ";\r\n              $k=\"$v\""

    set converter {}
    set encoding {}
    if {$state(value) ne "parts"} {
        #TODO: the path is not covered by tests
        append result \r\n

        if {$state(canonicalP)} {
            if {[set encoding $state(encoding)] eq {}} {
                set encoding [encoding $token]
            if {$encoding ne {}} {
                append result "Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding\r\n"
            switch -- $encoding {
                quoted-printable {
                    set converter $encoding
                7bit - 8bit - binary - {} {
                    # Bugfix for [#477088]
                    # Go ahead
                default {
                    error "Can't handle content encoding \"$encoding\""
    } elseif {([string match multipart/* $state(content)])  && ($boundary eq {})} {
        # we're doing everything in one pass...
        set key [clock seconds]$token[info hostname][array get state]
        set seqno 8
        while {[incr seqno -1] >= 0} {
            set key [md5 -- $key]
        set boundary "----- =_[string trim [base64 -mode encode -- $key]]"

        append result ";\r\n              boundary=\"$boundary\"\r\n"
    } else {
        append result \r\n

    if {[info exists state(error)]} {
        unset state(error)

    switch -- $state(value) {
        file {
            set closeP 1
            if {[info exists state(root)]} {
                # FRINK: nocheck
                variable $state(root)
                upvar 0 $state(root) root

                if {[info exists root(fd)]} {
                    set fd $root(fd)
                    set closeP 0
                } else {
                    set fd [set state(fd) [open $state(file) RDONLY]]
                set size $state(count)
            } else {
                set fd [set state(fd) [open $state(file) RDONLY]]
                set size -1 ;# Read until EOF
            seek $fd $state(offset) start
            if {$closeP} {
                fconfigure $fd -translation binary

            append result \r\n

            while {($size != 0) && (![eof $fd])} {
                if {$size < 0 || $size > 32766} {
                    set X [read $fd 32766]
                } else {
                    set X [read $fd $size]
                if {$size > 0} {
                    set size [expr {$size - [string length $X]}]
                if {$converter ne {}} {
                    append result [$converter -mode encode -- $X]
                } else {
                    append result $X

            if {$closeP} {
                catch {close $state(fd)}
                unset state(fd)

        parts {
            if {(![info exists state(root)])  && ([info exists state(file)])} {
                set state(fd) [open $state(file) RDONLY]
                fconfigure $state(fd) -translation binary

            switch -glob -- $state(content) {
                message/* {
                    append result "\r\n"
                    foreach part $state(parts) {
                        append result [buildmessage $part]

                default {
                    # Note RFC 2046:
                    # The boundary delimiter MUST occur at the
                    # beginning of a line, i.e., following a CRLF, and
                    # the initial CRLF is considered to be attached to
                    # the boundary delimiter line rather than part of
                    # the preceding part.
                    # - The above means that the CRLF before $boundary
                    #   is needed per the RFC, and the parts must not
                    #   have a closing CRLF of their own. See Tcllib bug
                    #   1213527, and patch 1254934 for the problems when
                    #   both file/string brnaches added CRLF after the
                    #   body parts.

                    foreach part $state(parts) {
                        append result "\r\n--$boundary\r\n"
                        append result [buildmessage $part]
                    append result "\r\n--$boundary--\r\n"

            if {[info exists state(fd)]} {
                catch {close $state(fd)}
                unset state(fd)

        string {
            append result "\r\n"

            if {$converter ne {}} {
                append result [$converter -mode encode -- $state(string)]
            } else {
                append result $state(string)
        default {
            error "Unknown value \"$state(value)\""

    if {[info exists state(error)]} {
        error $state(error)
    return $result


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