ms::Graph method group list (public)

 <instance of ms::Graph[i]> group list [ -count count ] \
    [ -expand expand ] [ -filter filter ] [ -orderby orderby ] \
    [ -search search ] [ -select select ] [ -max_entries max_entries ] \
    [ -top top ]

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/ms-procs.tcl

To get a list of all groups in the organization that have teams, filter by the resourceProvisioningOptions property that contains "Team" (needs beta API): resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team') Otherwise, one has to get the full list and filter manually. Since groups are large objects, use $select to only get the properties of the group you care about. Details:

-count (optional)
boolean, retrieves the total count of matching resources
-expand (optional)
retrieve related information via navigation property, e.g. members
-filter (optional)
retrieve a filtered subset of the tuples
-orderby (optional)
order tuples by some attribute
-search (optional)
returns results based on search criteria.
-select (optional, defaults to "id,displayName,userPrincipalName")
return selected attributes, e.g. id,displayName,userPrincipalName
-max_entries (optional)
retrieve this desired number of tuples (potentially multiple API calls)
-top (optional, integer, accept empty)
return up this number of tuples per request (page size)

No testcase defined.
Source code:
# set filter "startsWith(displayName,'Information Systems') and resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team')"
# "contains()" seems not supported
# set filter "contains(displayName,'Information Systems')"
# set select {$select=id,displayName,resourceProvisioningOptions}

set r [:request -method GET -token [:token]  -url[:params {
               count expand select filter orderby search top}]]
return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200]
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