ms::Graph method team create (public)

 <instance of ms::Graph[i]> team create [ -description description ] \
    -displayName displayName  [ -visibility visibility ] -owner owner  \
    [ -donecallback donecallback ] [ -wait ]

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/ms-procs.tcl

Create a new team. A team owner must be provided when creating a team in an application context. Details:

-description (optional)
-displayName (required)
-visibility (optional)
-owner (required)
-donecallback (optional)
cmd to be executed when the async command succeeded or failed. One additional argument is passed to the callback indicating the result status.
-wait (optional, defaults to "false")
when specified, perform up to 10 requests checking the status of the async command

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set template@odata.bind "'standard')"
set members [subst {{
    @odata.type string "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember"
    roles array {0 string owner}
    user@odata.bind string "'$owner')"
set r [:request -method POST -token [:token]  -vars {template@odata.bind description displayName visibility members:array,document}  -url /teams]
return [:async_operation_status -wait=$wait -donecallback $donecallback $r]
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