notification::display::request_widget (public)
notification::display::request_widget -type type -object_id object_id \ -pretty_name pretty_name -url url [ -user_id user_id ]
Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/notification-display-procs.tcl
Produce a widget for requesting notifications of a given type. If the notifications package has not been mounted then return the empty string.
- Switches:
- -type (required)
- -object_id (required)
- -pretty_name (required)
- -url (required)
- -user_id (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # Check that we're mounted if { [apm_package_url_from_key [notification::package_key]] eq "" } { return {} } if {$user_id eq ""} { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] } # Get the type id set type_id [notification::type::get_type_id -short_name $type] # Check if subscribed set request_id [notification::request::get_request_id -type_id $type_id -object_id $object_id -user_id $user_id] if {$request_id ne ""} { set icon /resources/acs-subsite/email_delete.gif set icon_alt [_ acs-subsite.icon_of_envelope] set sub_url [unsubscribe_url -request_id $request_id -url $url] set pretty_name [ns_quotehtml $pretty_name] set title [_ notifications.lt_Ubsubscribe_Notification_] set sub_chunk [_ notifications.lt_You_have_requested_no] } else { set icon /resources/acs-subsite/email_add.gif set icon_alt [_ acs-subsite.icon_of_envelope] set sub_url [subscribe_url -type $type -object_id $object_id -url $url -user_id $user_id -pretty_name $pretty_name] set pretty_name [ns_quotehtml $pretty_name] set title [_ notifications.lt_Request_Notification_] set sub_chunk [_ notifications.lt_You_may_a_hrefsub_url] } set notif_chunk "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $sub_url]\" title=\"[ns_quotehtml $title]\"> <img src=\"$icon\" alt=\"$icon_alt\" style=\"border:0\">$sub_chunk</a>" # if they are an admin give them to view all subscribers if { [permission::permission_p -object_id $object_id -privilege admin] } { set href [export_vars -base /notifications/subscribers -url {object_id}] append notif_chunk " \[<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $href]\">[_ notifications.Subscribers]</a>\]" } if { $sub_url ne "" } { return $notif_chunk } else { return "" }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle