notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue (private)
notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue -queue_dir queue_dir
Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/notification-email-procs.tcl
Scans qmail incoming email queue and queues up messages using acs-mail.
- Switches:
- -queue_dir (required)
- The location of the qmail mail queue in the file-system.
- Authors:
- Created:
- 22 Sept, 2001
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ns_log debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: checking $queue_dir/new/ for incoming mail" if {[catch { set messages [glob "$queue_dir/new/*"] } errmsg]} { if {[string match "no files matched glob pattern*" $errmsg ]} { ns_log Debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: queue dir = $queue_dir/new/*, no messages" } else { ns_log Error "load_qmail_mail_queue: queue dir = $queue_dir/new/ error $errmsg" } return {} } set list_of_reply_ids [list] set new_messages_p 0 foreach msg $messages { ns_log Debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: opening file: $msg" if {[catch {set f [open $msg r]} errmsg]} { # spit out an error message for failure to open and continue to next message ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: error opening file $errmsg" continue } set orig_file [read $f] close $f set file [split $orig_file "\n"] set new_messages 1 set end_of_headers_p 0 set i 0 set line [lindex $file $i] set headers [list] set orig_headers "" # walk through the headers and extract each one set is_auto_reply_p 0 while {$line ne ""} { set next_line [lindex $file $i+1] if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $next_line match] && $i > 0} { set end_of_headers_p 1 } set multiline_header_p 0 if {[regexp {^([^:]+):[ ]+(.+)$} $line match name value]} { # join headers that span more than one line (e.g. Received) if { ![regexp {^([^:]+):[ ]+(.+)$} $next_line match] && !$end_of_headers_p} { set multiline_header_p 1 } else { # we only want messages a person typed in themselves - nothing # from any sort of auto-responder. if { [string compare -nocase $name "Auto-Submitted"] == 0 } { set is_auto_reply_p 1 break } elseif { [string compare -nocase $name "Subject"] == 0 && [string first "Out of Office AutoReply:" $value] == 0 } { # added for BP set is_auto_reply_p 1 break } else { lappend headers [string tolower $name] $value append orig_headers "$line\n" } } if {$end_of_headers_p} { incr i break } } else { # The headers and the body are delimited by a null line as specified by RFC822 if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $line match]} { incr i break } } incr i if { $multiline_header_p } { append line [lindex $file $i] } else { set line [lindex $file $i] } } # a break above just exited the while loop; now we need to skip # the rest of the foreach as well if { $is_auto_reply_p } { ns_log Debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: message $msg is from an auto-responder, skipping" if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} { ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: couldn't remove message $msg: $errmsg" } continue } set body [ad_parse_incoming_email $orig_file] # okay now we have a list of headers and the body, let's # put it into notifications stuff array set email_headers $headers if {[catch {set from $email_headers(from)}]} { set from "" } if {[catch {set to $email_headers(to)}]} { set to "" } set from [parse_email_address $from] set to [parse_email_address $to] # Find the from user set from_user [party::get_by_email -email $from] # We don't accept empty users for now if {$from_user eq ""} { ns_log debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: no user for from address: $from, to: $to. bouncing message." # bounce message with an informative error. bounce_mail_message -to_addr $email_headers(from) -from_addr $email_headers(to) -body $body -message_headers $orig_headers -reason "Invalid sender. You must be a member of the site and\nyour From address must match your registered address." if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} { ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: couldn't remove message $msg: $errmsg" } continue } set to_stuff [parse_reply_address -reply_address $to] # We don't accept a bad incoming email address if {$to_stuff eq ""} { ns_log debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: bad to address $to from $from. bouncing message." # bounce message here bounce_mail_message -to_addr $email_headers(from) -from_addr $email_headers(to) -body $body -message_headers $orig_headers -reason "Invalid To Address" if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} { ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: couldn't remove message file $msg: $errmsg" } continue } lassign $to_stuff object_id type_id set to_addr $to db_transaction { set reply_id [notification::reply::new -object_id $object_id -type_id $type_id -from_user $from_user -subject $email_headers(subject) -content $body] set headers $orig_headers db_dml holdinsert {} -clobs [list $to_addr $headers $body] if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} { ns_log Error "load_qmail_mail_queue: unable to delete queued message $msg: $errmsg" } lappend list_of_reply_ids $reply_id } on_error { ns_log Error "load_qmail_mail_queue: error inserting incoming email into the queue: $errmsg" } } return $list_of_reply_idsXQL Not present: PostgreSQL Generic XQL file: <fullquery name="notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue.holdinsert"> <querytext> insert into notification_email_hold (reply_id,to_addr,headers,body) values (:reply_id,:to_addr,:headers,:body) </querytext> </fullquery>packages/notifications/tcl/notification-email-procs.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue.holdinsert"> <querytext> insert into notification_email_hold (reply_id,to_addr,headers,body) values (:reply_id,empty_clob(),empty_clob(),empty_clob()) returning to_addr, headers, body into :1, :2, :3 </querytext> </fullquery>packages/notifications/tcl/notification-email-procs-oracle.xql