notification::email::send (public)
notification::email::send from_user_id to_user_id reply_object_id \ notification_type_id subject content_text content_html file_ids
Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/notification-email-procs.tcl
Send the actual email.
- Parameters:
- from_user_id (required)
- The user_id of the user that the email should be sent as. Provide empty for the standard mailer from address.
- to_user_id (required)
- reply_object_id (required)
- notification_type_id (required)
- subject (required)
- content_text (required)
- content_html (required)
- file_ids (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # Get user data set email [party::email -party_id $to_user_id] set user_locale [lang::user::site_wide_locale -user_id $to_user_id] if { $user_locale eq "" } { set user_locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale] } # Variable used in the content set manage_notifications_url [manage_notifications_url] if { $content_html eq "" } { set mime_type "text/plain" append content_text "\n#" "notifications.lt_Getting_too_much_emai#" set content $content_text } else { set mime_type "text/html" append content_html "<p>#" "notifications.lt_Getting_too_much_emai#</p>" set content $content_html } # convert relative URLs to fully qualified URLs set content [ad_html_qualify_links $content] # Use this to build up extra mail headers set extra_headers [list] # This should disable most auto-replies. lappend extra_headers [list "Precedence" "list"] set reply_to [reply_address -object_id $reply_object_id -type_id $notification_type_id] if { $from_user_id ni {"" 0} && [person::person_p -party_id $from_user_id]} { # Notification is sent on behalf of a person on the system. set from_email [party::email -party_id $from_user_id] if {[parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter EmailQmailQueueScanP -default 0] != 1} { # We did not activate the processing of incoming # messages: this means we do not process replies to # notifications. There is no point in setting the # Reply-To to something different than the Sender. set reply_to "" } else { # We support notification replies. # Set the Mail-Followup-To address to the # address of the notifications handler. lappend extra_headers [list "Mail-Followup-To" $reply_to] } } else { # Notification is sent by the system itself. set from_email $reply_to } acs_mail_lite::send -to_addr $email -from_addr $from_email -reply_to $reply_to -mime_type $mime_type -subject [lang::util::localize $subject $user_locale] -body [lang::util::localize $content $user_locale] -file_ids $file_ids -use_sender -extraheaders $extra_headersXQL Not present: PostgreSQL Generic XQL file: packages/notifications/tcl/notification-email-procs.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/notifications/tcl/notification-email-procs-oracle.xql