notification::type::interval_disable (public)

 notification::type::interval_disable -type_id type_id \
    -interval_id interval_id

Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/notification-type-procs.tcl

Intervals must be enabled on a per notification type basis. For example, weekly notifications may not be enabled for full forum posts, as that might be too much email (system choice) This disables a given interval for a given notification type.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xowiki::notifications-uninstall xowiki::notifications-uninstall (private) notification::type::interval_disable notification::type::interval_disable xowiki::notifications-uninstall->notification::type::interval_disable db_dml db_dml (public) notification::type::interval_disable->db_dml

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