oacs_dav::impl::content_revision::propfind (private)
Defined in packages/oacs-dav/tcl/oacs-dav-procs.tcl
PROPFIND DAV method for generic content revision
- Author:
- Dave Bauer
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set user_id [oacs_dav::conn user_id] set item_id [oacs_dav::conn item_id] set folder_id [oacs_dav::conn folder_id] set uri [oacs_dav::conn uri] set depth [oacs_dav::conn depth] set prop_req [oacs_dav::conn prop_req] set os_time_zone [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Z] # find the values db_1row get_properties "" set etag "1f9a-400-3948d0f5" set properties [list] # is "D" the namespace?? lappend properties [list "D" "getcontentlength"] $content_length # lappend properties [list "D" "uri"] $item_uri lappend properties [list "D" "getcontenttype"] $mime_type # where do we get an etag from? lappend properties [list "D" "getetag"] $etag lappend properties [list "D" "getlastmodified"] $last_modified lappend properties [list "D" "creationdate"] $creation_date lappend properties [list "D" "resourcetype"] "" foreach i [tdav::get_user_props ${uri} $depth $prop_req] { lappend properties $i } set response [list 207 [list [list $uri "" $properties]]] return $responseGeneric XQL file: packages/oacs-dav/tcl/oacs-dav-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: <fullquery name="oacs_dav::impl::content_revision::propfind.get_properties"> <querytext> select ci.item_id, ci.name, content_item__get_path(ci.item_id,:folder_id) as item_uri, coalesce(cr.mime_type,'*/*') as mime_type, coalesce(cr.content_length,0) as content_length, to_char(timezone('GMT',o.creation_date) :: timestamptz ,'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS.MS"Z"') as creation_date, to_char(timezone('GMT',o.last_modified) :: timestamptz ,'Dy, DD Mon YYYY HH:MM:SS TZ') as last_modified from cr_items ci, acs_objects o, cr_revisions cr where ci.item_id=:item_id and ci.item_id = o.object_id and cr.revision_id = ci.live_revision and acs_permission__permission_p(ci.item_id, :user_id, 'read') </querytext> </fullquery>packages/oacs-dav/tcl/oacs-dav-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="oacs_dav::impl::content_revision::propfind.get_properties"> <querytext> select ci.item_id, ci.name, content_item.get_path(ci.item_id,:folder_id) as item_uri, nvl(cr.mime_type,'*/*') as mime_type, nvl(cr.content_length,0) as content_length, to_char(o.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MI:SS."000"') as creation_date, to_char(o.last_modified, 'Dy, Dd Mon YYYY HH:MI:SS "${os_time_zone}"') as last_modified from cr_items ci, acs_objects o, cr_revisions cr where ci.item_id=:item_id and ci.item_id = o.object_id and cr.revision_id=ci.live_revision </querytext> </fullquery>packages/oacs-dav/tcl/oacs-dav-procs-oracle.xql