pa_get_exif_data (public)

 pa_get_exif_data file

Defined in packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.tcl

Returns a array get list with the some of the exif data or an empty string if the file is not a jpg file uses jhead Keys: Aperture Cameramake Cameramodel CCDWidth DateTime Exposurebias Exposuretime Filedate Filename Filesize Film Flashused Focallength Focallength35 FocusDist Jpegprocess MeteringMode Resolution

file (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 pa_load_images pa_load_images (public) pa_get_exif_data pa_get_exif_data pa_load_images->pa_get_exif_data

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