permission::permission_p (public)
permission::permission_p [ -no_login ] [ -no_cache ] \ [ -party_id party_id ] -object_id object_id -privilege privilege
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/acs-permissions-procs.tcl
Does the provided party have the requested privilege on the given object?
- Switches:
- -no_login
(boolean) (optional)- Don't bump to registration to refresh authentication, if the user's authentication is expired. This is specifically required in the case where you're calling this from the proc that gets the login page.
- -no_cache
(boolean) (optional)- force loading from db even if cached (flushes cache as well)
- -party_id
(optional)- if null then it is the current user_id
- -object_id
(required)- The object you want to check permissions on.
- -privilege
(required)- The privilege you want to check for.
- Returns:
- Boolean value expressing if the user has the required privilege on the given object
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_admin_merge_MergeUserInfo, ad_proc_permission_grant_and_revoke, ad_proc_permission_permission_p, test_inheritance_and_custom_permissions