photo_album::photo::package_url (public)
photo_album::photo::package_url [ -photo_id photo_id ]
Defined in packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.tcl
given a photo_id (can be an item or revision_id) return the package_url for the corresponding photo. does not include the site part just the path.
- Switches:
- -photo_id (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: db_0or1row package_url {} return [site_node::get_element -node_id $node_id -element url]Generic XQL file: packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: <fullquery name="photo_album::photo::package_url.package_url"> <querytext> SELECT n.node_id, i1.item_id FROM cr_items i1, cr_items i2, pa_package_root_folder_map m, site_nodes n WHERE m.folder_id = i2.item_id and i1.item_id = coalesce((select item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = :photo_id),:photo_id) and n.object_id = m.package_id and i1.tree_sortkey between i2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(i2.tree_sortkey) limit 1 </querytext> </fullquery>packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="photo_album::photo::package_url.package_url"> <querytext> SELECT n.node_id, item_id FROM cr_items, pa_package_root_folder_map m, site_nodes n WHERE m.folder_id = item_id and item_id = nvl((select item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = :photo_id),:photo_id) and n.object_id = m.package_id connect by prior cr_items.parent_id = item_id and rownum = 1 </querytext> </fullquery>packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs-oracle.xql