relation::get_objects (public)
relation::get_objects [ -object_id_one object_id_one ] \ [ -object_id_two object_id_two ] [ -rel_type rel_type ]
Defined in packages/acs-subsite/tcl/relation-procs.tcl
Return the list of object_ids if a relation of rel_type exists between the supplied object_id and it.
- Switches:
- -object_id_one (optional)
- -object_id_two (optional)
- -rel_type (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_subsite_relation_procs
Source code: if {$object_id_one eq ""} { if {$object_id_two eq ""} { ad_return_error [_ acs-subsite.Missing_argument] [_ acs-subsite.lt_You_have_to_provide_a] ad_script_abort } else { return [relation::get_object_one -object_id_two $object_id_two -rel_type $rel_type -multiple] } } else { return [relation::get_object_two -object_id_one $object_id_one -rel_type $rel_type -multiple] }Generic XQL file: packages/acs-subsite/tcl/relation-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/acs-subsite/tcl/relation-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/acs-subsite/tcl/relation-procs-oracle.xql