rss_gen (public)
rss_gen [ -version version ] [ -channel_title channel_title ] \ [ -channel_link channel_link ] \ [ -channel_description channel_description ] [ -image image ] \ [ -items items ] [ -channel_language channel_language ] \ [ -channel_copyright channel_copyright ] \ [ -channel_managingEditor channel_managingEditor ] \ [ -channel_webMaster channel_webMaster ] \ [ -channel_rating channel_rating ] \ [ -channel_pubDate channel_pubDate ] \ [ -channel_lastBuildDate channel_lastBuildDate ] \ [ -channel_skipDays channel_skipDays ] \ [ -channel_skipHours channel_skipHours ]
Defined in packages/rss-support/tcl/rss-generation-procs.tcl
Generates an RSS XML doc given channel information and item information. Supports versions .91 and 1.0. Does not determine if field lengths are valid, nor does it determine if field values are of the proper type. Doesn't support textInput forms Merely creates the XML doc. GIGO and caveat emptor. version is 0.91 or 1.0. If not present, defaults to 0.91 the default image is openacs/www/graphics/openacs_logo_rss.gif For 0.91, pubdate, copyright, lastbuildate, skipdays, skiphours, webmaster, managingeditor fields, if not specified are not included in the xml. the image parameter is a property list of: url $url title $title link $link [width $width] [height $height] [description $description] where the elements within brackets are optional items are a list of property lists, one for each item title $title link $link description $description Spec/channel docs url for 0.91 is For 1.0 Spec can be found at The 1.0 spec is very primitive: my needs are primitive as of yet, and I don't grok the rss 1.0 modules stuff as yet. Whoops p'gazonga. For 2.0, the spec is at
- Switches:
- -version (optional, defaults to
)- -channel_title (optional)
- -channel_link (optional)
- -channel_description (optional)
- -image (optional)
- -items (optional)
- -channel_language (optional, defaults to
)- -channel_copyright (optional)
- -channel_managingEditor (optional)
- -channel_webMaster (optional)
- -channel_rating (optional)
- -channel_pubDate (optional)
- -channel_lastBuildDate (optional)
- -channel_skipDays (optional)
- -channel_skipHours (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.