sb::get_tables (public)
sb::get_tables selected_table_name
Defined in packages/schema-browser/tcl/schema-browser-procs-postgresql.tcl
Build an HTML table of all PG tables belonging to the current user. Each PG table name is returned as a hyperlink to a page which displays the table's structure.
- Parameters:
- selected_table_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set n_columns 4 set return_string "" set tables [sb::get_tables_list] if {[llength $tables] == 0} { return {No tables found. Make sure the owner of the tables in the database matches the user-id used by the web server to connect to the database.} } set n_rows [expr {([llength $tables] - 1) / $n_columns + 1}] append return_string "<table>" for { set row 0 } { $row < $n_rows } { incr row } { append return_string "<tr>" for {set column 0} {$column < $n_columns} {incr column} { set i_element [expr {$n_rows * $column + $row}] if { $i_element < [llength $tables] } { set table_name [lindex $tables $i_element] if { $table_name == $selected_table_name } { append return_string "<td><b>[string tolower $table_name]</b></td>" } else { set href [export_vars -base index {table_name}] append return_string [subst {<td><a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">[string tolower $table_name]</a></td>}] } } } append return_string "</tr>" } append return_string "</table>" return $return_stringXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle