security::validated_host_header (public)


Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/security-procs.tcl

validated host header field or empty
Gustaf Neumann Protect against faked or invalid host header fields. Host header attacks can lead to web-cache poisoning and password reset attacks (for more details, see e.g. or to unintended redirects to different sites. The validated host header most be syntactically correct, and it must be either configured/white-listed or it must be from a non-routable IP address. White-listed hosts are taken from the alternate host names specified in the "ns/module/DRIVER/servers" section, or via the configuration variable "hostname" (e.g., "") which is added the the "/server" section during startup.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-admin/www/posture-overview.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/posture-overview.tcl security::validated_host_header security::validated_host_header packages/acs-admin/www/posture-overview.tcl->security::validated_host_header util_current_location util_current_location (public) util_current_location->security::validated_host_header acs::icanuse acs::icanuse (public) security::validated_host_header->acs::icanuse ad_conn ad_conn (public) security::validated_host_header->ad_conn ad_url ad_url (public) security::validated_host_header->ad_url db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) security::validated_host_header->db_0or1row security::configured_driver_info security::configured_driver_info (public) security::validated_host_header->security::configured_driver_info

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