This procedure is defined in the server but not documented via ad_proc or proc_doc and may be intended as a private interface.

The procedure is defined as:

proc sgml::CModelMakeTransitionTable {state st} {
    upvar #0 $state var

    # Construct nullable, firstpos and lastpos functions
    array set var {number 0}
    foreach {nullable firstpos lastpos} [	 TraverseDepth1st $state $st {
            # Evaluated for leaf nodes
            # Compute nullable(n)
            # Compute firstpos(n)
            # Compute lastpos(n)
            set nullable [nullable leaf $rep $name]
            set firstpos [list {} $var(number)]
            set lastpos [list {} $var(number)]
            set var(pos:$var(number)) $name
        } {
            # Evaluated for nonterminal nodes
            # Compute nullable, firstpos, lastpos
            set firstpos [firstpos $cs $firstpos $nullable]
            set lastpos  [lastpos  $cs $lastpos  $nullable]
            set nullable [nullable nonterm $rep $cs $nullable]
        }	 ] break

    set accepting [incr var(number)]
    set var(pos:$accepting) #

    # var(pos:N) maps from position to symbol.
    # Construct reverse map for convenience.
    # NB. A symbol may appear in more than one position.
    # var is about to be reset, so use different arrays.

    foreach {pos symbol} [array get var pos:*] {
        set pos [lindex [split $pos :] 1]
        set pos2symbol($pos) $symbol
        lappend sym2pos($symbol) $pos

    # Construct the followpos functions
    unset -nocomplain var
    followpos $state $st $firstpos $lastpos

    # Construct transition table
    # Dstates is [union $marked $unmarked]
    set unmarked [list [lindex $firstpos 1]]
    while {[llength $unmarked]} {
        set T [lindex $unmarked 0]
        lappend marked $T
        set unmarked [lrange $unmarked 1 end]

        # Find which input symbols occur in T
        set symbols {}
        foreach pos $T {
            if {$pos != $accepting && [lsearch $symbols $pos2symbol($pos)] < 0} {
                lappend symbols $pos2symbol($pos)
        foreach a $symbols {
            set U {}
            foreach pos $sym2pos($a) {
                if {[lsearch $T $pos] >= 0} {
                    # add followpos($pos)
                    if {$var($pos) == {}} {
                        lappend U $accepting
                    } else {
                        lappend U {*}$var($pos)
            set U [makeSet $U]
            if {[llength $U] && [lsearch $marked $U] < 0 && [lsearch $unmarked $U] < 0} {
                lappend unmarked $U
            set Dtran($T,$a) $U


    return [list [array get Dtran] [array get sym2pos] $accepting]


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