site_node::get_all_from_object_id (public)
site_node::get_all_from_object_id -object_id object_id
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/site-nodes-procs.tcl
Return a list of site node info associated with the given object_id. The nodes will be ordered descendingly by url (children before their parents).
- Switches:
- -object_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set node_id_list [list] set url_list [list] foreach url [get_url_from_object_id -object_id $object_id] { lappend node_id_list [get -url $url] } return $node_id_listGeneric XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/site-nodes-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/site-nodes-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/site-nodes-procs-oracle.xql