system.multicall (public)
system.multicall array
Defined in packages/xml-rpc/tcl/system-procs.tcl
Perform multiple requests in one call - see$1208
Takes an array of XML-RPC calls encoded as structs of the form (in a Pythonish notation here):
{'methodName': string, 'params': array}
- Parameters:
- array (required)
- array of structs containing XML-RPC calls
- Returns:
- an array of responses. There will be one response for each call in the original array. The result will either be a one-item array containing the result value - this mirrors the use of <params> in <methodResponse> - or a struct of the form found inside the standard <fault> element.
- Author:
- Vinod Kurup
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set responses [list] foreach call $array { # parse the call for methodName and params if { [catch { unset -nocomplain c array set c $call set method $c(methodName) set params $c(params) } errmsg ] } { # if we can't get a methodName and params, then fault lappend responses [list -struct [list faultCode [list -int 5] faultString "Invalid request. $errmsg" ]] } else { # call the method set errno [catch {xmlrpc::invoke_method $method $params} result] if { $errno } { # fault lappend responses [list -struct [list faultCode [list -int $errno] faultString $result]] } else { lappend responses $result } } } return [list -array $responses]XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle