tcltrace::before (private)

 tcltrace::before [ -details ] cmd op

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/tcltrace-procs.tcl

Generic trace proc for arbitrary commands. Simply reports calls to function (optionally with full context) to the error.log.

-details (optional, boolean, defaults to "false")
when set, use ad_log for reporting with full context
cmd (required)
the full command as executed by Tcl
op (required)
the trace operation

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
        set log_cmd [expr {$details_p ? "ad_log" : "ns_log"}]
        set abbrev_cmd [lmap w $cmd {
            regsub -all \n $w {\n} w
            regsub -all \r $w {\r} w
            if {[string length $w] > 100} {
                set w [string range $w 0 100]...
            set w
        $log_cmd notice "trace: [join $abbrev_cmd { }]"
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