This procedure is defined in the server but not documented via ad_proc or proc_doc and may be intended as a private interface.

The procedure is defined as:

proc tdom::xmlOpenFileWorker {filename encodingString forSimple forRead} {

    # This partly (mis-)use the encoding of a channel handed to [dom
    # parse -channel ..] as a marker: if the channel encoding is utf-8
    # then behind the scene Tcl_Read() is used, otherwise
    # Tcl_ReadChars(). This is used for the encodings understood (and
    # checked) by the used expat implementation: utf-8 and utf-16 (in
    # either byte order).
    set fd [open $filename]

    if {$encodingString != {}} {
        upvar $encodingString encString

    # The autodetection of the encoding follows
    # XML Recomendation, Appendix F

    fconfigure $fd -encoding binary
    if {![binary scan [read $fd 4] "H8" firstBytes]} {
        # very short (< 4 Bytes) file
        seek $fd 0 start
        set encString UTF-8
        return $fd
    # First check for BOM
    switch [string range $firstBytes 0 3] {
        "feff" {
            # feff: UTF-16, big-endian BOM
            if {$forSimple || $forRead} {
                error "UTF-16be is not supported"
            seek $fd 0 start
            set encString UTF-16be
            fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
            return $fd
        "fffe" {
            # ffef: UTF-16, little-endian BOM
            set encString UTF-16le          
            if {$forSimple || $forRead} {
                seek $fd 2 start
                fconfigure $fd -encoding unicode
            } else {
                seek $fd 0 start
                fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
            return $fd
    # If the entity has a XML Declaration, the first four characters
    # must be "<?xm".
    switch $firstBytes {
        "3c3f786d" {
            # UTF-8, ISO 646, ASCII, some part of ISO 8859, Shift-JIS,
            # EUC, or any other 7-bit, 8-bit, or mixed-width encoding which 
            # ensures that the characters of ASCII have their normal positions,
            # width and values; the actual encoding declaration must be read to
            # detect which of these applies, but since all of these encodings
            # use the same bit patterns for the ASCII characters, the encoding
            # declaration itself be read reliably.

            # First 300 bytes should be enough for a XML Declaration
            # This is of course not 100 percent bullet-proof.
            set head [read $fd 296]

            # Try to find the end of the XML Declaration
            set closeIndex [string first ">" $head]
            if {$closeIndex == -1} {
                error "Weird XML data or not XML data at all"

            seek $fd 0 start
            set xmlDeclaration [read $fd [expr {$closeIndex + 5}]]
            # extract the encoding information
            set pattern {^[^>]+encoding=[\x20\x9\xd\xa]*["']([^ "']+)['"]}
            # emacs: "
            if {![regexp $pattern $head - encStr]} {
                # Probably something like <?xml version="1.0"?>. 
                # Without encoding declaration this must be UTF-8
                set encoding utf-8
                set encString UTF-8
            } else {
                set encoding [IANAEncoding2TclEncoding $encStr]
                set encString $encStr
        "0000003c" -
        "0000003c" -
        "3c000000" -
        "00003c00" {
            # UCS-4
            error "UCS-4 not supported"
            "003c003f" {
            # UTF-16, big-endian, no BOM
            if {$forSimple} {
                error "UTF-16be is not supported by the simple parser"
            seek $fd 0 start
            set encoding utf-8
            set encString UTF-16be
        "3c003f00" {
            # UTF-16, little-endian, no BOM
            if {$forSimple} {
                seek $fd 2 start
                set encoding unicode
            } else {
                seek $fd 0 start
                set encoding utf-8
            set encString UTF-16le          
        "4c6fa794" {
            # EBCDIC in some flavor
            error "EBCDIC not supported"
        default {
            # UTF-8 without an encoding declaration
            seek $fd 0 start
            set encoding utf-8
            set encString "UTF-8"
    fconfigure $fd -encoding $encoding
    return $fd


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