template::CSS proc class (public)

 template::CSS[i] class [ -toolkit toolkit ] name

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl

In case, a mapping for CSS classes is defined, return the mapping for the provided class name. Otherwise return the input class name unmodified.

-toolkit (optional)
name (required)

No testcase defined.
Source code:
# In case, a mapping for CSS classes is defined, return the
# mapping for the provided class name. Otherwise return the
# input class name unmodified.
if {![info exists toolkit]} {
    set toolkit ${:preferredCSSToolkit}
    if {$toolkit eq "default"} {
        set toolkit [template::toolkit]
        set :preferredCSSToolkit $toolkit
        ns_log notice "derived CSS toolkit '$toolkit'"

if {[nsv_get acs_templating_cssClasses $toolkit dict]} {
    if {[dict exists $dict $name]} {
        return [dict get $dict $name]
} else {
    ns_log warning "template::CSS: no class mapping for"  "toolkit $toolkit provided (should be in theme definition)"

if {[dict exists ${:cssClasses} $toolkit $name]} {
    return [dict get ${:cssClasses} $toolkit $name]
} else {
    return $name
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