template::expand_percentage_signs (public)

 template::expand_percentage_signs message

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/parse-procs.tcl

Expand variables marked with percentage signs in caller's scope. Some examples - if example and array(variable) has the values Erik and Oluf in the caller's scope - the following expansion will occur: Here is an %example% variable. -> Here is an Erik variable. Here is an %array.variable% for you -> Here is an Oluf for you

message (required)
Christian Hvid

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_expand_percentage_signs expand_percentage_signs (test acs-templating) template::expand_percentage_signs template::expand_percentage_signs test_expand_percentage_signs->template::expand_percentage_signs lang::message::embedded_vars_regexp lang::message::embedded_vars_regexp (public) template::expand_percentage_signs->lang::message::embedded_vars_regexp template::adp_compile template::adp_compile (public) template::adp_compile->template::expand_percentage_signs

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