template::form::section (public)

 template::form::section [ -fieldset fieldset ] \
    [ -legendtext legendtext ] [ -legend legend ] id section

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/form-procs.tcl

Set the current section (fieldset) of the form. A form may be divided into any number of fieldsets to group related elements. Elements are tagged with the current fieldset properties as they are added to the form. A form style template may insert a divider in the form whenever the fieldset identifier changes.

-fieldset (optional)
A list of name-value attribute pairs for the FIELDSET tag
-legendtext (optional)
The legend text
-legend (optional)
A list of name-value attribute pairs for the LEGEND tag
id (required)
The form identifier.
section (required)
The current fieldset identifier

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log ad_log (public) template::form::get_reference template::form::get_reference (private) template::form::section template::form::section template::form::section->ad_log template::form::section->template::form::get_reference

No testcase defined.
Source code:

    # legend can't be empty
    if { $section ne "" && $legendtext eq "" } {
        ad_log Warning "template::form::section (form: $id, section: $section): The legend-text of this section is empty. You must provide text for the legend-text otherwise the section fieldset won't be created."

    set properties(section) $section
    set properties(sec_legendtext) $legendtext

    # fieldset attributes
    set properties(sec_fieldset) ""
    array set fs_attributes $fieldset
    foreach name [array names fs_attributes] {
        if {$fs_attributes($name) eq ""} {
            append properties(sec_fieldset) $name"
        } else {
            append properties(sec_fieldset) $name=\"$fs_attributes($name)\""

    # legend attributes
    set properties(sec_legend) ""
    if { $legendtext ne "" } {
        array set lg_attributes $legend
        if {![info exists lg_attributes(class)]} {
            append properties(sec_legend) " class=\"form-legend\""
        foreach name [array names lg_attributes] {
            if {$lg_attributes($name) eq ""} {
                append properties(sec_legend) $name"
            } else {
                append properties(sec_legend) $name=\"$lg_attributes($name)\""
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