template::head::add_style (public)
template::head::add_style -style style [ -title title ] [ -lang lang ] \ [ -media media ] [ -type type ]
Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/head-procs.tcl
Add an embedded css style declaration
- Switches:
- -style (required)
- CSS content to be included in the style tag
- -title (optional)
- the title attribute of the link tag describing the target of this link
- -lang (optional)
- the lang attribute of the link tag specifying the language of its attributes if they differ from the document language
- -media (optional)
- the media attribute of the link tag describing which display media this link is relevant to. This may be a comma separated list of values, e.g. 'screen,print,braille'
- -type (optional, defaults to
)- the type attribute of the link tag, e.g. 'text/css'
- Author:
- Dave Bauer <dave@thedesignexperience.org>
- Created:
- 2007-11-30
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: variable ::template::head::styles if {[info exists styles(anonymous)]} { # # Add this combination only once # foreach {_type _media _title _lang _style} $styles(anonymous) { if {$type eq $_type && $_media eq $media && $_title eq $title && $_lang eq $lang && $_style eq $style } { return } } } lappend styles(anonymous) $type $media $title $lang $styleXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle