template::list::filter::set_property (public)

 template::list::filter::set_property -list_name list_name \
    -filter_name filter_name -property property -value value \
    [ -ulevel ulevel ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/list-procs.tcl

Set a property for the given list and filter.

-list_name (required)
-filter_name (required)
-property (required)
-value (required)
-ulevel (optional, defaults to "1")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::list::create template::list::create (public) template::list::filter::set_property template::list::filter::set_property template::list::create->template::list::filter::set_property template::list::filter::set_properties template::list::filter::set_properties (public) template::list::filter::set_properties->template::list::filter::set_property template::list::filter::get_reference template::list::filter::get_reference (public) template::list::filter::set_property->template::list::filter::get_reference template::list::get_reference template::list::get_reference (public) template::list::filter::set_property->template::list::get_reference

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties
    template::list::get_reference -name $list_name

    get_reference  -list_name $list_name  -filter_name $filter_name

    switch -- $property {
        where_clause_eval - add_url_eval {
            # Eval's shouldn't be subst'ed here, will be later
            set filter_properties($property$value
        default_value {
            set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]]
            set filter_properties($property$value
            if { $value ne "" } {
                set filter_properties(has_default_p) 1
        default {
            # We require all properties to be initialized to the empty string in the array, otherwise they're illegal.
            if { ![info exists filter_properties($property)] } {
                error "Unknown filter property '$property'  for filter '$filter_name' in list '$list_name'. Allowed properties are [join [array names filter_properties] ""]."

            # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now
            set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]]
            set filter_properties($property$value
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