template::list::prepare_filter_form (private)

 template::list::prepare_filter_form [ -name name ] \
    [ -filter_exclude_from_key_extra filter_exclude_from_key_extra ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/list-procs.tcl

Documentation goes here

-name (optional)
-filter_exclude_from_key_extra (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::list::prepare template::list::prepare (public) template::list::prepare_filter_form template::list::prepare_filter_form template::list::prepare->template::list::prepare_filter_form _ _ (public) template::list::prepare_filter_form->_ ad_conn ad_conn (public) template::list::prepare_filter_form->ad_conn ad_form ad_form (public) template::list::prepare_filter_form->ad_form ad_get_client_property ad_get_client_property (public) template::list::prepare_filter_form->ad_get_client_property ad_return_url ad_return_url (public) template::list::prepare_filter_form->ad_return_url

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set level [template::adp_level]
    # Provide a reference to the list properties for use by the list template
    # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties
    get_reference -name $name

    set filter_names_options_tmp [list]
    set filter_names_options [list]
    set filter_hidden_filters [list]
    set filter_key_filters [list]
    set filter_exclude_from_key [list orderby groupby format page __list_view]
    if {[llength $filter_exclude_from_key_extra]} {
        lappend filter_exclude_from_key {*}$filter_exclude_from_key_extra
    set filter_hidden_filters_url_vars [list]
    # loop through all the filters in this list
    foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) {
        upvar #$level $filter_ref filter_properties
        if {$filter_properties(label) ne "" && $filter_properties(name) ni $filter_exclude_from_key} {
            # filters with a label will be added to the form for the user
            # to choose from
            lappend filter_names_options_tmp [list $filter_properties(label) $filter_properties(name)]

        # filters without a label are added as hidden elements
        # to the form so that quer params for the list
        # and group by/order by are preserved when the filter
        # form is used

        # Grab the current value of the filter out of the list if
        # it exists.
        upvar $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties(name) current_filter_value
        if {[info exists current_filter_value] && $current_filter_value ne ""} {

            if {[lsearch $filter_exclude_from_key $filter_properties(name)] > -1} {
                lappend filter_hidden_filters $filter_properties(name)
            } else {
                lappend filter_key_filters $filter_properties(name) $current_filter_value
    upvar #[template::adp_level] __list_filter_form_client_property_key list_filter_form_client_property_key
    # To save the client property name, it is hashed with ns_sha1 hash
    # to fit it into toe attribute. We don't extract the data from the
    # property name so this should work fine.
    set list_filter_form_client_property_key [ns_sha1 [list [ad_conn url] $name]]
    upvar \#[template::adp_level] __client_property_filters client_property_filters
    set client_property_filters [ad_get_client_property acs-templating $list_filter_form_client_property_key]
    # take out filters we already applied...
    set i 0
    foreach option_list $filter_names_options_tmp {
        lassign $option_list option_label option_name
        if {"${name}:filter:${option_name}:properties" ni $client_property_filters} {
            lappend filter_names_options [list $option_label $option_name]
    # build an ad_form form based on the chosen filters
    set filters_form_name list-filters-$name
    set add_filter_form_name list-filter-add-$name
    ad_form -name $add_filter_form_name -form {
        {choose_filter:text(select) {label "Add Filter"} {options {$filter_names_options}} }
        {name:text(hidden) {value $name}}
        {add_filter:text(submit) {label "Add"}}
        {clear_all:text(submit) {label "Clear All"}}
    foreach fhf $filter_hidden_filters {
        ad_form -extend -name $add_filter_form_name -form {
    ad_form -extend -name $add_filter_form_name -on_request {
        # setup little Xs to click to clear one field
        # pass the name of the field in the clear_one variable

        set clear_one [ns_queryget clear_one]

        if {$clear_one ne ""} {
            # Loop through the saved filters and remove the filter
            # from the client property if its specified in clear_one.
            set __old_client_property_filters [ad_get_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key]
            set __client_property_filters [list]

            foreach {__ref __value} $__old_client_property_filters {
                if {[set ${__ref}(name)] ne $clear_one} {
                    lappend __client_property_filters $__ref $__value
            # If we changed the list of filters, save it in the
            # client property, we read it later on to build the
            # form of selected filters
            set client_property_filters $__client_property_filters
            ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters
            # Now reload the form, excluding variable clear_one.
            set pattern [ns_urlencode "clear_one"]=[ns_urlencode "$clear_one"]
            regsub "${pattern}&?" [ad_return_url] {} url
            ad_returnredirect $url
    } -on_submit {

        if {[info exists clear_all] && $clear_all ne ""} {
            set __client_property_filters {}
            ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters
        template::list::get_reference -name $name
        foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) {
            upvar \#[template::adp_level$filter_ref filter_properties
            if {$filter_properties(name) eq $choose_filter} {
                lappend __client_property_filters $filter_ref ""
        ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters

    # Create the form that holds the actual filter values
    ad_form -name $filters_form_name -has_submit 1 -form {
        {name:text(hidden) {value $name}}
    # we need to pass the hidden list filters in this form too
    # since we need to preserve the other variables if either
    # the add filter or the apply filter form is submitted
    foreach fhf $filter_hidden_filters {
        ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form {
        upvar \#[template::adp_level$name:filter:${fhf}:properties filter_properties
        set filter_properties(widget) hidden
        set filter_properties(selected_p) t

    # we need to extract the values of the hidden filters out of the
    # form elements, there is some magic here where ad_form
    # grabs the elements out of the form/url vars and
    # sets them, we want to pull them out of the form instead of
    # setting local variables to prevent collisions
    foreach fhf $filter_hidden_filters {
        lappend filter_hidden_filters_url_vars [list $fhf [template::element::get_value $add_filter_form_name $fhf]]
    set visible_filters_p 0
    # add a select box for filters with a list of valid values
    # otherwise add a regular text box
    foreach {f_ref f_value} $client_property_filters {
        upvar \#[template::adp_level$f_ref filter_properties
        if {$filter_properties(label) ne ""
            && $filter_properties(hide_p) eq 0
            && $filter_properties(name) ni $filter_exclude_from_key} {
            incr visible_filters_p
        if {![template::element::exists $filters_form_name $filter_properties(name)]} {
            # extract options
            set options [list]

            foreach  elm $filter_properties(values)  url $filter_properties(urls)  selected_p $filter_properties(selected_p)  add_url $filter_properties(add_urls) {
                    # Loop over 'values' and 'url' simultaneously
                    # 'label' is the first element, 'value' the second
                    # We do an lrange here, otherwise values would be set wrong
                    # in case someone accidentally supplies a list with too many elements,
                    # because then the foreach loop would run more than once
                    foreach { label value count } [lrange $elm 0 2] {}

                    if { [string is space $label] } {
                        set label $filter_properties(null_label)
                    lappend  options [list $label $value]
            set clear_url_vars [concat [list [list clear_one $filter_properties(name)]] $filter_hidden_filters_url_vars]
            set filter_properties(clear_one_url) [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] $clear_url_vars]

            set form_element(element_name) $filter_properties(name)
            set form_element(widget) text
            set form_element(datatype) text
            if {[llength $options]} {
                set form_element(widget) select
                set form_element(options) $options
            set form_element(label) "$filter_properties(label)"
            if {[info exists filter_properties(form_element_properties)]} {
                foreach {var value} $filter_properties(form_element_properties) {
                    set form_element($var$value
            set ad_form_element [list ${form_element(element_name)}:${form_element(datatype)}(${form_element(widget)}),optional]
            if {$filter_properties(type) eq "multival"} {
                set ad_form_element [list "[lindex $ad_form_element 0],multiple"]
            foreach {var value} [array get form_element] {
                if {$var ni {name widget datatype}} {
                    lappend ad_form_element [list $var $value]

            ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form [list $ad_form_element]

            set filter_properties(widget) $form_element(widget)
            set filter_properties(selected_p) t
            array unset form_element

    ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -on_request {
        foreach {f_ref f_value} $__client_property_filters {
            upvar \#[template::adp_level$f_ref filter_properties
            set $filter_properties(name) $f_value
    } -on_submit {
        # set the values of the filters, the creator of the list
        # still has to process the values to generate a valid
        # where clause
        template::list::get_reference -name $name
        set templist [list]
        foreach {f_ref f_value} $__client_property_filters {
            upvar \#[template::adp_level$f_ref filter_properties
            set filter_properties(value) [set $filter_properties(name)]
            lappend templist $f_ref $filter_properties(value)
            # hack in elements??
            if {$filter_properties(name) in [template::multirow columns $list_properties(multirow)]} {
                # FIXME Don't do this where, don't allow filters for
                # matching element/filter names if element does not exist
                # check if its a dynamic element...(has select_clause)
                list::element::create  -list_name $name  -element_name $filter_properties(name)  -spec [list label $filter_properties(label)]
        set __client_property_filters $templist
        ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters
    # only show the submit button for the apply filters form if
    # there are filters selected by the user
    if {$visible_filters_p} {
        ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form {
            {submit:text(submit) {label "Apply Filters"}}
    } else {
        # hard to figure out how to conditionally handle this in the
        ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form {
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