template::stack_frame_values (private)

 template::stack_frame_values level

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/util-procs.tcl

return the variables and arrays of one frame as HTML

level (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::stack_dump template::stack_dump (public) template::stack_frame_values template::stack_frame_values template::stack_dump->template::stack_frame_values

No testcase defined.
Source code:

    set varlist ""
    foreach i [if {$level} {
        uplevel \#$level {info locals}
    } else {info globals} ] {
        append varlist "    <li><b>$i</b> = "
        if {$i eq "page" && $level == [info level]-1 ||
            $i eq "__adp_output" || $i eq "errorInfo"} {
            append varlist "<em>value withheld to avoid messy page</em>\n"
        } elseif {[string match -nocase "*secret*" $i]} {
            append varlist "<em>value withheld as the name contains \"secret\"</em>\n"
        } else {
            if {[uplevel \#$level array exists $i]} {
                append varlist "<em>ARRAY</em><ul>\n"
                foreach {key value} [uplevel \#$level array get $i] {
                    append varlist "        <li><b>$key</b> = '$value'\n"
                append varlist "        </ul>\n"
            } else {
                if {[catch {append varlist "'[uplevel #$level set $i]'\n"}]} {
                    append varlist "<em>bad string value</em>\n"
    return $varlist
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