template::util::currency::get_property (public)
template::util::currency::get_property what currency_list
Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/currency-procs.tcl
Return a property of a currency list which was created by a currency widget. The most useful properties that can be returned are sql_number (compatible with SQL's NUMERIC type, historically called NUMBER by Oracle) and display_currency, which takes the value and formats properly.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- The name of the property (see code for allowed values)
- currency_list (required)
- a currency widget list, usually created with ad_form
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # There's no internal error checking, just like the date version ... and # of course whole_part might be pounds and fractional_part pfennings ... lassign $currency_list leading_symbol whole_part separator fractional_part trailing_money format switch -- $what { leading_symbol { return $leading_symbol } whole_part { return $whole_part } separator { return $separator } fractional_part { return $fractional_part } trailing_money { return $trailing_money } format { return $format } sql_number { if { $whole_part eq "" && $fractional_part eq "" } { return "" } # Make sure we have at least one leading digit, i.e. zero set whole_part "[string range "0" [string length $whole_part] end]$whole_part" # Pad out the fractional part with enough leading zeros to satisfy the format set fractional_part "[string range [string repeat "0" [lindex $format 3]] [string length $fractional_part] end]$fractional_part" return ${whole_part}.${fractional_part} } display_currency { if { $whole_part eq "" && $fractional_part eq "" } { return "" } # Make sure we have at least one leading digit, i.e. zero set whole_part "[string range "0" [string length $whole_part] end]$whole_part" # Pad out the fractional part with enough leading zeros to satisfy the format set fractional_part "[string range [string repeat "0" [lindex $format 3]] [string length $fractional_part] end]$fractional_part" # Glom everything into one pretty picture return "$leading_symbol$whole_part$separator$fractional_part$trailing_money" } default { error "util::currency::property: unknown property: '$what'." } }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle